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The Grange Therapeutic School
The Grange is a therapeutic school that has won beacon school status for outstanding achievement. In this video we have tried to capture some of the elements that make this school so unique, and create an image that would appeal both to parents and prospective students. Copies of the film are sent out to educational bodies and to parents interested in sending their children to this unique school.


The project involved filming on location all over England and Wales. The clips feature interviews with a range of learners who want to further their vocational skills. We had the task of setting up and filming scenarios with professional actors to illustrate the various subjects in a realistic environment, for example basic numeracy skills for use in everyday life. We also filmed major government figures such as Gordan Brown for what is to be the single largest online learning institute in Britain. The courses comprise of printed media, CD-Rom disks, the Internet and nationwide learning centres which offer tutor support. UFI aims to provide information and advice to 2.5 million people a year by 2002. By 2004 they hope to supply 1 million courses and learning packages a year.

Due to copyright restrictions, we are not able to show images used in this project.


Heather Welsh
Whatever field you work in, a promotional video is sure make people aware of what you do. A good example of this is an artist from New Zealand, Heather Welsh-Sarin. This video shows the beauty of her work and features interviews with Heather who speaks passionately about her themes and love for India. Heather's dreams were realized when JP Morgan, a prominent Merchant bank, made the unprecedented offer of hosting an exclusive exhibition of her work at their London headquarters. This video has been used to promote Heather's work throughout the world.


Sounds Good
Our company produced this thirty-minute music documentary from concept to completion. The programme has two presenters and features some of Cambridge's most popular venues and artists. Our objective when making this program was to show that Cambridge was not only a university town, but also a youthful and exciting city! The fast paced and dynamic style of the programme was so successful that it has been broadcast on cable television during prime time. Sound Good?


In the competitive world of the music industry, simply having a good collection of songs and talent does not get you recognized. With a video, any music agent that hears your work also has the opportunity to see how you come across visually. A band that has taken this opportunity are Angtrom, who are currently touring Europe with their new album. As you can see from the programme Popstars, image is a vital aspect of any successful band.
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3D Video Productions
5 Thetford Terrace,
Cambridge, CB5 8SB
01223 563 893